Drew a logotype for a movie production company in Stockholm today. I hope to god that they buy it. If the do I will show it here.
They wanted it to be like a whiskey bottle lable and I think I managed to pin down the feeling that they where looking for. Cause that is what I do, I work with my feelings. All the time I need to know how I feel, what I feel, what I should feel and most importantly what others feel. A good design gives you exactly the feeling that it is supposed to communicate. Sometimes it can be just the ordinary feelings like happy, hungry, bargain or quality. And somtimes it is supposed to give you a sense of image or a feeling of belonging to a groupe. The last ones are more difficult but often it is best to listen to the gut feeling. If you like it probably a lot of other people will too.
Took this photo in Tallin. I went to SEB today to fix my loans for the appartment I am buying. It is going to be a really nice place. I move there in febuary.
Inflyttningsfest. Shalom
Definitivt! En lördag i mars får det bli.
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